Pedr Charlesworth

  • Role on Committee – Secretary
  • College – Wolfson

Here at Oxford I’m studying for a DPhil in Material Science at Wolfson College – conducting research into lithium ceramics for nuclear fusion applications. Outside of research I spend most of my time cycling, and as part of the club I predominantly ride and race on the road, however the longer, mixed surface events are my real passion.

Last year I raced the 750km Badlands ultra gravel race from Granada, and this year I managed a top 25 at Basajuan – a 800km gravel ultra in northern Spain. The highlight of the season so far was tackling the Pyrenean gravel climbs at night and then basking in a beautiful sunrise gravel descent during the race. However, results wise it has been a top 3 in TransWales Ultra race.

Before Oxford I spent two years riding across the world, initially from London to Sydney, then length of New Zealand and onwards from Lima to Mexico City via the spine of the Andes. After 42,000 km’s the pandemic brought me home, where the plan is now to finish the last leg to New York after completing my DPhil. Until then I’ll be road racing for the dark blues, with gravel escapes and bikepacking trips sprinkled inbetween.